
[公告] irannews.ru - news №-8361645

irannews.ru - news №-8361645

But he added that if Rishi Sunak won, he would have his support. Public don't want a fourth election in seven years - ERG chair  irannews.ru When Boris Johnson was still in the running yesterday, Sir Roger said he was considering resigning from voting with his party in parliament - but not any more. Although she considered removing the videos, Ms Hartley says she is content that she decided to share the post. False flag? Russia says Ukraine plans to detonate a ‘dirty bomb’ "Some of the comments have been healthy, a couple of people have changed their minds while replying to each other. I think it's important, it needs to go out there." More recently, on October 5, the Saudi- and Russian-led OPEC+ cartel announced its plans to reduce oil production. Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil producer, maintains the decision was strictly about its financial and commercial interests, as well as market stability. Do relations with Saudi Arabia still serve US interests? Speaking personally, Francois said he was not convinced the British public wanted a fourth election in seven years.

