At the end of May the hardliners won. Early on the morning of June 4, the tanks rolled in.
The massacre at Tiananmen Square ended debate about political re
form. Instead, the Communist Party turned to economic re
form. Now China is saying it out loud,
and its "wolf warrior" diplomats, named after a patriotic action film franchise, are going on the verbal offensive. In China this is hugely popular. On Sunday Xi Jin
ping became the first leader since Mao to be chosen as party chief
for a third term. In his decade at the top, he has centralised power in his own h
ands, ruthlessly eliminated rivals, promoted a cult of personality, shut down criticism,
and had his ideology - Xi Jin
ping Thought on Socialism
with Chinese Characteristics
for a
New Era - enshrined in the constitution. He is known, only half-jokingly, as the Chairman of Everything. "It means if this content has been seen, engaged with and liked by a group of users who are, for example, Andrew Tate fans, then it's likely to show that piece of content to even more people who are that sort of user," he said. "It's self perpetuating." "China today has no socia
list characteristics" she says "The subordination of labour to capital is complete. If you're a real socia
list, you must have a notion of class democracy, of justice, of hierarchy and anti-hierarchy. None of that is even part of Xi Jinping thought." 'We came too late' "In the past, we could always count on China's leaders to be pragmatic about economic policy, and prudent in their foreign policy. We don't see that now," Ms Shirk says.
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