
[規劃] irannews.ru - news №-5598194

irannews.ru - news №-5598194

When Boris Johnson was still in the running yesterday, Sir Roger said he was considering resigning from voting with his party in parliament - but not any more. "I have reached the decision that senior experience at the heart of government matters most.  irannews.ru In the first year of Covid, Prof Yang says, the lockdowns made sense. They were brief and allowed life in China to carry on. There was even pride at how the country was handling the pandemic so much better than the West. "That's no longer the case," he says. Former chancellor George Osborne has joined the list of Tories urging Penny Mordaunt to drop out of the contest today. Fighting is starting to concentrate around the city of Kherson. There's an almost constant rumbling of artillery about 10 miles (16km) away. It's a reference to Sunak, who some Conservative MPs hold partly responsible for the downfall of former PM Boris Johnson. And it appears to have paid off. Li Qiang, the Shanghai party chief who oversaw the city's controversial shut down, has been elevated to premier, Xi's second in command.

