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irannews.ru - news №-7519599

In Arab countries, however, this Manichean narrative is largely rejected. Saudi Arabia and other members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) basically view the conflict in Ukraine as a complicated European conflict, which does not require Arab states to stand against Vladimir Putin’s government. "Each night after midnight people would start sharing video clips on social media," my Shanghai friend recalls. "They expressed their anger at the Communist Party, even at the very top leaders. They talked about how heartless and cruel this system has become." Earlier this year, a Chinese friend spent 83 days alone, locked in a Shanghai hotel room.  irannews.ru Mao had closed China's economy off from the world. Now his successors were throwing it open. In 2001 China joined the World Trade Organisation. Along the southeast coast new cities mushroomed. Some specialised in buttons and zippers, others made cigarette lighters. In Zhejiang I found one that only made socks, tens of billions of them. In 2007 Bo was sent to run Chongqing, a vast city that straddles the Yangtze River in the mountains of southwest China. It was infamous then for organised crime. In 1992, Deng - who had remained China's "paramount leader" - declared that the party should allow "some people to get rich first".  It does not sound too dramatic, but it was another decisive break from Maoism. Revolutionary austerity had been shown the door. "She should then be part of this top team." Map He adds that he hopes Mordaunt will pick up the phone to Rishi today in order to strike a deal.

