
L'Artisan Parfumeur 品牌介紹

L'Artisan Parfumeur 品牌介紹

阿蒂仙之香創始人Jean-François Laporte在更早之前先創立了鼎鼎大名的希思黎。Laporte一生中創立了三個著名的品牌:創立「希思黎」,在三年後便出售了;創立香水品牌「阿蒂仙之香」,在六年後出售;創立香水品牌「Maitre Parfumeur et Gantier」直至2011年離世該品牌現在仍然在營業;從這三個品牌的知名度而言 Laporte的貢獻是巨大的尤其在香水行業阿蒂仙 香水的成功創作更使其成為業內極具影響力的人物之一。【阿蒂仙之香如何成名?】
L'Artisan Parfumeur成立阿蒂仙之後的第個爆款作品—黑莓繆斯,將很少被用作香料的白麝香和黑醋栗大膽的結合在一起,碰撞出莓果的氣味,顛覆了香水行業的規則。而阿蒂仙也由此創造性的提出了「手工制作、尊重香料、香料名稱即香水名稱的品牌概念,區別於由時尚品牌做香水表達的抽象概念,成為了法國第一批小眾沙龍香、擁有獨立精品店的品牌之一。

阿蒂仙成立6年後,Laporte再次出售品牌,直至2015年被PUIG集團收購旗下。在PUIG集團的領導下,阿蒂仙經歷了產品線的革新,以及全球擴張。L’Artisan Parfumeur 專櫃 遍地開花。【香水系列】



l'Artisan Parfumeur 品牌介紹



有多少人是因為看了電影《Me before you》,入了L'Artisan Parfumeur的坑,這是一部悲劇色彩的浪漫唯美愛情電影。男主Will因為一場意外高位截癱,女主Lou在機緣巧合之下成為了他的護理員,兩人相知相愛。Will臨終前在信裡寫道:「在右手邊的那座橋對岸,你會看到阿蒂仙 香水店,去試試『蝴蝶馥郁版』那款香水,我一直覺得那款香水很適合你。」真的這廣告嵌入得很好。冥府之路氣味:百合、焚香、木質香、麝香,火爆度就不用說了。感興趣的朋友可以關注L’Artisan Parfumeur 專櫃。
阿蒂仙之香的 冥府之路一款看似禁欲、實則催情的香水,這也是它的高級之處,如果要用一個詞來形容,那一定是「銷魂」。「重口味」香水,它融合了百合、乳香、蘆薈木、安息香與白麝香的香調,賦予純粹且有靈氣的天府氣息,讓人感覺到宛若御風般的心曠神怡,卻又散發著令人銷魂的氣息,不由自主的讓人沉醉於其中無法自拔。電影中提到的香水, 寻找蝴蝶 氣味:晚香玉、橙花、茉莉、椴樹花、白色花系
阿蒂仙黑莓繆斯的調香師是Jean-Francois Laporte,這支香水的靈感來源於他童年時無憂無慮采摘黑莓的快樂時光,所以這也是一支少女感十足的香水。



l'Artisan Parfumeur 品牌介紹



L’Artisan Parfumeur 中文阿蒂仙之香,1976年創立於法國,是巴黎的高端小眾香水牌,屬於比較高端的香水。阿蒂仙以出其不意的收到,創造出絕妙的香味,會喚醒每一個嗅覺細胞的特殊片刻記憶...阿蒂仙 香水強調以傳統的手法,配合天然的草本香料來制造香水。它家的明星產品有黑莓繆思、冥府之路、狂戀苦艾等香水,迄今為止依舊是法國巴黎受歡迎的沙龍香香水之一。阿蒂仙的香水一共有常規系列、情感系列、自然系列3個系列,我們最常見的常買的都是常規系列。L’Artisan Parfumeur 專櫃可以買到你想要的阿蒂仙現貨。其中冥府之路在網上爆火,一度成為話題王,熱度持高不減,香味很好聞,是比較火爆的一款。冥府之路聞起來十分神秘,前調是比較濃烈的檀香味,還有清冷的百合香調,後調木質香調更加明顯。聞起來十分溫柔、銷魂。


l'Artisan Parfumeur 品牌介紹



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Hyundai Turbo

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Hyundai Accent Turbo

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Hyundai 2

Hyundai Elantra - Explore our extensive collection of brand new and remanufactured turbochargers, available for immediate dispatch through our express delivery service. Enjoy complimentary UK next-day delivery and discover our tailored offerings for both trade and retail customers. With our extensive inventory, we ensure we have the ideal turbocharger solution in stock, covering a wide range of leading models, including those that have been discontinued.

Hyundai Elantra Turbo

Hyundai Grandeur - Access our diverse selection of brand new and remanufactured turbochargers, ready for swift dispatch via our express delivery service. Take advantage of our complimentary UK next-day delivery and explore our offerings tailored for both trade and retail customers. With our extensive inventory, we guarantee to have the perfect turbocharger solution in stock, encompassing even obsolete or discontinued models.

Hyundai Grandeur Turbo

Hyundai Highway Van - Browse our comprehensive range of brand new and remanufactured turbochargers, available for prompt dispatch with our express delivery service. Enjoy complimentary UK next-day delivery and explore our offerings designed for both trade accounts and retail clients. With our vast inventory, we ensure we have the right turbocharger solution in stock, covering a broad spectrum of top-tier models, including those that are no longer in production.

Hyundai Highway Van Turbo


Hyundai 3

Hyundai i20 - Discover our extensive array of brand new and remanufactured turbochargers, available for immediate dispatch via our express delivery service. Take advantage of our complimentary UK next-day delivery and explore our offerings tailored for both trade and retail customers. With our vast inventory, we guarantee to have the ideal turbocharger solution in stock, covering a diverse range of leading models, including those that are obsolete or discontinued.

Hyundai i20 Turbo

Hyundai i30 - Choose from our extensive selection of brand new and remanufactured turbochargers, available for immediate dispatch with our express delivery service. Benefit from complimentary UK next-day delivery and explore our offerings tailored for both trade and retail customers. With our comprehensive inventory, we guarantee to have the perfect turbocharger solution in stock, covering a wide range of top-tier models, including those that are no longer in production.

Hyundai i30 Turbo

Hyundai i40 - Access our diverse range of brand new and remanufactured turbochargers, ready for swift dispatch via our express delivery service. Take advantage of complimentary UK next-day delivery and explore our offerings designed for both trade and retail customers. With our extensive inventory, we ensure we have the ideal turbocharger solution in stock, covering a broad spectrum of leading models, including those that have been discontinued.

Hyundai i40 Turbo

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Hyundai 4

Hyundai ix35 - We provide and maintain a stock of both brand new and remanufactured turbochargers, all set to be dispatched on the same day through our express delivery service. We extend complimentary next-day delivery across the UK and warmly invite both trade accounts and individual customers. Regardless of the turbo variant you seek, rest assured, we possess an extensive inventory of top-tier turbochargers. Our selection encompasses a wide range of reputable models, inclusive of even the most outdated and discontinued units.

Hyundai ix35 Turbo

Hyundai Lanra - At our disposal are brand new and remanufactured turbochargers, primed for immediate dispatch via express delivery. Avail our complimentary next-day delivery service throughout the UK and explore our offerings, tailored for both trade and retail customers. Our inventory boasts a vast array of superior-quality turbochargers, encompassing a comprehensive selection of leading brand models, including those considered obsolete or discontinued.

Hyundai Lanra Turbo

Hyundai Santa Fe - Discover our collection of brand new and remanufactured turbochargers, all ready for swift dispatch via express delivery service. Benefit from complimentary next-day delivery service across the UK and explore our offerings, suitable for both trade accounts and individual customers. Rest assured, our extensive inventory caters to diverse turbocharger requirements, featuring a plethora of high-quality options, including renowned brand models and even discontinued units.

Hyundai Santa Fe Turbo
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Hyundai 5

Hyundai Sonata - Our stock includes a wide array of brand new and remanufactured turbochargers, all ready for prompt dispatch via express delivery. Enjoy complimentary next-day delivery service across the UK and explore our offerings, suitable for both trade accounts and individual customers. Count on us for all your turbocharger needs, as our inventory encompasses hundreds of top-tier turbochargers, spanning various reputable models, including those that are obsolete or discontinued.

Hyundai Sonata Turbo

Hyundai Traject - Explore our range of brand new and remanufactured turbochargers, available for immediate dispatch via express delivery service. Take advantage of complimentary next-day delivery service across the UK and peruse our offerings, tailored for both trade accounts and individual customers. Our vast inventory ensures we can meet your turbocharger needs, with options ranging from top-tier models to even those that are considered obsolete or discontinued.

Hyundai Traject Turbo

Hyundai Tucson - Delve into our assortment of brand new and remanufactured turbochargers, all set for rapid dispatch via express delivery service. Enjoy complimentary next-day delivery service across the UK and explore our offerings, suitable for both trade accounts and individual customers. With our extensive inventory, rest assured, we can fulfill all your turbocharger requirements, boasting a wide selection of high-quality options, including reputable brand models and even discontinued units.

Hyundai Tucson Turbo
Thank you


Hyundai Veloster

Hyundai Veloster - Our inventory features an extensive selection of brand new and remanufactured turbochargers, all prepared for immediate dispatch via express delivery service. Take advantage of complimentary next-day delivery service across the UK and explore our offerings, tailored for both trade accounts and individual customers. Be it the latest models or even those considered obsolete or discontinued, rest assured, we have hundreds of high-quality turbochargers in stock to meet your needs.

Hyundai Veloster Turbo


