
[討論] How can android app makers earn more?

How can android app makers earn more?

It's difficult to determine how much an Android app is worth due to the various methods of revenue and active users. Here are a few ways that app makers near me can earn money by making free android apps available on an app store

Paid Apps: Earn when you buy the app.

Freemium: The app developer offers some of its features free of charge and also locks in advanced features, or extra products to buy. They constantly update their content to free users and they continue to engage with their application. This model of Freemium is often used in the majority of apps.

Advertisements: Developers include advertisements to their apps. They make money from these ads, Google takes a cut and then gives the remainder to the publisher or developer.
Certain companies and individuals create a variety of free apps in order to establish credibility. They then create paid apps. When users like their free apps, a lot of the users who downloaded free apps tend to buy paid apps.

Freelancing: Freelancing is always an option, Though it is not easy to find the right projects. In such a scenario, it is better to join a fresh but premium platform. Eiliana.com is such a freelancing marketplace where you can get the best of everything.
Read more: https://eiliana.com/blogitem/how ... from-app-developers

[ 本帖最後由 emilia77 於 2022-3-25 21:49 編輯 ]

