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Just because he's "no Larry Bird" doesn't negate James' past success, present skills and future potential
for more championships. He spoke of "not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven ." titles when the Heat's Big Three were created be
fore the 2010 11 season. He was speaking
with the same confidence and bravado oft admired by
New England fans when they hear it from their favorites.
I am glad that Obama may be bringing in younger voters and CNN lets us know this ever chance they get. I find it odd that when the older voters vote for Hillary, she gets no credit for that. In most of the countries around the world the older (wiser) generation is looked up to and their o
pinion is vauled. I would like to see a debate between some younger and older voters, to see which side knows the issues better. It's real nice to have a cool song on utube, but that is not going to fix any of the problems in the world.
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Bateman, who reiterated during the cast reunion that although creatively everyone on board, they still have to work out the business details, tweeted Sunday, true. We will do 10 episodes and the movie. Fox actually cancelled it and brought it back since it won so many awards. But the fact of the matter is, no one watched it because it was not funny! It was just a bunch of stupid plots that never lived up to their hype. I get that there are some die hard Arrested Deveopment fans out there but there are not enough to justify bringing it back to tv and definitely not enough to justify a movie. Let leave the show where it belongs. cancelled and forgotten.