
[其他] What is Steam Gems

What is Steam Gems

Steam Gems is a currency launched by Steam during holiday promotions in 2014. Originally, I wanted to form a simple trading model for trading cards, emoticons, and personal information on the platform. But now it seems that the use of players is rare. It is more direct and convenient to trade with real currency.

Steam should want to make the Steam Level Up mechanism more perfect. Realize the circulation of transaction cards, personal data background, boosters, which are necessary and auxiliary items for the Steam level upgrade. The card corresponds to 2-20 gems, the profile background is 10-100 gems, and the booster set is 400-1200 gems. For players, they can sell items they don't like and don't need. Use the gems you get to buy what you need.

For players who need Buy Steam Level Up, this mechanism still exists, but it seems troublesome. Many players will find it not worth it. Because what they need is XP. Rare items are difficult to obtain or are too valuable. Ordinary people may already own them, so it's better to give them to friends directly or sell them in the market to get real benefits.

I don't know how the situation will happen in the future, but the current store points are the best way for Steam to make money. Players can also get good items through points. And points can be used to purchase Steam community activity badges, XP rewards are higher. Although currencies like gems have always existed, they will not be mainstream.

