
Covid: 'NHS staff need vaccine first' as pressures mount

Covid: 'NHS staff need vaccine first' as pressures mount

Covid: 'NHS staff need vaccine first' as pressures mount

Healthcare workers should be given the Covid vaccine before elderly people to ease pressure on hospitals and surgeries, a GP has said.

Dr Phil White, who is chairman of the Welsh GPs Committee, said the new coronavirus variant had led to a rise in staff sickness and

Public Health Wales has warned the NHS is under unprecedented pressure.

It comes as figures put Wales behind other nations for the number of people being vaccinated.

The Welsh Government said front-line NHS staff were among the very first groups to receive the vaccine.

But Dr White said more needed to be done, adding: "You can't run a health service without staff.

"That's the big worry as staff are dropping like flies and we have to get them vaccinated so they can look after patients."

Priority for the first Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has been health and social care workers, as well as care home residents and staff and people
aged over 80.

Dr White, who is based on Anglesey, said that was the original plan of vaccinating based on the original strain of the virus.

But the new variant, which led to tighter lockdown restrictions being introduced before Christmas, had changed things and Dr White said
that the priority should be for healthcare workers before anybody else gets the vaccine.

"Health boards and GPs have got an enormous amount of staff shortages with Covid and self-isolation," he added.

"Here in north Wales sickness is at about 10% and there's 500 medical staff who have gone back into shielding."

The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is expected to be approved within the next few days which will lead to the roll out of mass vaccinations.

The UK has ordered 100 million doses, of which people need two each, but it can be stored in fridges and is easier to move about unlike
the Pfizer which has to be kept above -70C.

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